Overview and Guidelines

Overview and Guidelines for extended foreign use of the AXA Insurance Motor Policy that we issue.

The following is information which you may find useful should certain circumstances arise that leave you wondering what action to take.

Being Involved In an Accident Outside UK

We suggest that in the first instance you contact us, we have a phone number that you may use from outside UK which enables you to report the incident to AXA Insurance, and you may be contacted by their European claims department. If you are involved in an accident the claim numbers are 00 44 121 698 8979 from countries outside the UK and 0121 698 8979 from the UK.

If your policy covers damage to your vehicle and assuming the vehicle is economically repairable we will ask you to fax/email an estimate to us and we will pass this to that unit at AXA Insurance. (whilst AXA does have translation facilities we suggest, if possible, that the estimate be translated to English for less delay). There is no loan car system as we have in the UK but if the repairer will loan you a car we are unable to extend cover as the vehicle will be one that is not registered in the UK.

If you have taken Legal Expenses cover that we offer with DAS, at the completion of repair and assuming a non fault accident we will give you a number to contact them, in order that they may recover uninsured losses, for example damage excess and or medical or other costs arising from the accident. UNUSUALLY it is not normally possible to recover hire car costs when outside UK.


Breakdown and Accident Assistance

It is assumed that you have arranged accident/breakdown assistance. If not we have a scheme to an almost ideal specification, quality provider, no limit on time in Europe (also UK) no age of car limit and a reasonable fee. To see the terms and conditions go to our website www.stuartcollins.com and click on the breakdown button.

Winter Tyres

We are being asked more and more often whether our policy requires the car to be fitted with winter tyres. Being a UK policy there is no mention, but if you are in an area where they are required by local diktat (or just by conditions) you would be foolish not to fit them, as in the event of your causing an accident you would find it difficult to defend yourself and with modern tyre and wheel designs being what they are the winter tyres would at least allow you to travel more safely. You may well find that they are able to be used all year round so the money spent need not be wasted.

Geographic Limits

The policy gives the cover selected by you without limit of time across all of the 28 states of the EU plus Norway, Serbia and Switzerland. If a country not included is required please contact us to see if we are able to accommodate you.

Please note that this is a UK motor policy and includes use here without restriction. Whilst you may be told that Green Cards are no longer required in the EU we prefer you to have one and therefore issue them with your cover papers.