
Here are some Letters and E-mails from Satisfied Customers

RH – IT Consultant from Guilford

RH an IT consultant from Guildford obtained a contract to work in France

and needed extended foreign use from his motor insurance policy to
cover him throughout the EU, but particularly living in France for the
period of the contract.

We arranged what we call a European motor policy with the foreign use
section increased to 12 months to enable him to travel throughout the EU

and we included an annual green card in case it was needed.

JB a Doctor from Coventry

JB a Doctor from Coventry wanted to work in Spain and take his UK
registered left hand drive car with him.

We arranged a motor policy with extended foreign use which includes a
green card for 12 months to enable him to travel throughout the European

Union plus some extra countries also for trips back to the UK.

DB from London

DB from London bought a holiday home in Italy and wanted a European
motor policy for his travel needs.

We arranged a policy that allowed him to use the car for up to a year in

the EU with green card in case it was needed for his long distance car
travel. We were also able to advise him of a website which offered him
annual breakdown assistance at reasonable cost.

MH an accountant from Aberdeen

MH an accountant from Aberdeen wanted to work in Greece which involved
extensive European travel.

Our policy, which allows annual use in EU countries was suitable for his

extensive foreign touring needs.

PT from Basingstoke

PT from Basingstoke had a daughter that relocated to France and he would

wish to visit her for extended periods

We arranged a policy that would allow him to stay in Europe on a long
term basis.

SR an engineer from Birmingham

SR an engineer from Birmingham bought a retirement home in France and
wanted to take his British registered car there for long periods and
occasional trips back to the UK.

We issued a policy that allows extended trips to Europe.

JR from Gloucester

JR from Gloucester asked for overseas motor insurance as he wanted to
tour Europe for a year.

We issued our European rated policy that allowed him unlimited travel in

the EU with a green card and advised him to effect motor vehicle
breakdown assistance.